Payment Instructions

If you have signed an engagement agreement with Vrapi Weeks, we have several ways you can pay for your case:

1. Credit Card
You can pay instantly by clicking here. In the “amount” box please enter the “Total due to Vrapi Weeks” (the red number from your agreement). In the “Description” box please enter your name or the name of the person we will represent if it is not you.

2. Check/Money Order
If you prefer to pay by check or money order you can either mail the payment or you can drop it off at one of our offices. Information about our offices is found here. Please make checks or money orders to Vrapi Weeks PA.

3. Cash
We accept cash payments, but only when made in person in one of our offices. Information about our offices is found here. Please do not mail cash.

4. Monthly Payments
If you want to make payments towards your legal fee, we have a great financing option through ClientCredit.

ClientCredit requires a Social Security number.  For those without a Social Security number we recommend getting in touch with a local community bank or credit union which are usually able to do loans with just an ITIN.  In NM, the banks our clients have had the most success with are Rio Grande Credit Union and Guadalupe Credit Union.

If you have any questions about payments please email